
Gutenberg plugin (repository)
Latest version of the blocks editor before added to WP core.

Plugins that enhance blocks

EditorsKit (repository, website)
Adds some really nice features to the block editing experience.

Central Color Palette (repository)
Define the colors in your editor.

TinyMCE Advanced (repository)

Plugins for additional blocks

Advanced Gutenberg (repository, website)

Atomic Blocks (repository, website)

CoBlocks (repository, website)

Getwid (repository, website)

Gutenberg Blocks – Qubely (repository, website)

Kadence Blocks (repository, website)

Kioken Blocks (repository, website)

Otter Blocks (repository, website)

Stackable (repository, website)

Ultimate Addons for Gutenberg (repository, website)

Predefined blocks template layouts

Astra Starter Sites (with Astra Theme) (repository, website)

Atomic Blocks – Gutenberg Blocks Collection (repository, website)

Gutenberg Blocks – Qubely (repository, website)

Kioken Blocks (repository, website)

“Blank Slate” & Block-Friendly Themes

Repository links are to the free versions, many of these offer a premium version.

Atomic Blocks – (repository, website)

Astra (repository, website)

Blocksy (repository, website)

Chaplin (repository, website)

Customify (repository, website)

GeneratePress (repository, website)

Hestia (repository, website)

Neve (repository, website)

OceanWP (repository, website)

10 things you didn’t know you could do with Gutenberg